Notes to Self

Alex Sokolsky's Notes on Computers and Programming

3 June 2024

Build AWS Privatelink in Terraform

Usage scenario: expose custom (non-AWS) services provided in one VPC to consumers in another VPC.

Terminology and Architecture

Rehash of privatelink definitions:

|                                     |
|  Service Consumer VPC               |
|                                     |
|    VPC endpoint ENI                 |
|    VPC Endpoint Service             |
|     |                               |
|    \|/                              |
|    NLB                              |
|     |                               |
|    \|/                              |
|    ALB                              |
|                                     |
|  Service Provider VPC               |
|                                     |

Read on architecture


Read on terraform

See Also

ALB behind an NLB Gotchas

tags: aws