just(1) General Commands Manual just(1) NAME just - 🤖 Just a command runner - https://github.com/casey/just SYNOPSIS just [--alias-style] [--check] [--chooser] [--clear-shell-args] [--color] [--command-color] [--dotenv-filename] [-E|--dotenv-path] [-n|--dry-run] [--dump-format] [--explain] [-g|--global-justfile] [--highlight] [-f|--justfile] [--list-heading] [--list-prefix] [--list-submodules] [--no-aliases] [--no-deps] [--no-dotenv] [--no-highlight] [--one] [-q|--quiet] [--allow-missing] [--set] [--shell] [--shell-arg] [--shell-command] [--timestamp] [--timestamp-format] [-u|--unsorted] [--unstable] [-v|--verbose]... [-d|--working-directory] [--yes] [--changelog] [--choose] [-c|--command] [--completions] [--dump] [-e|--edit] [--evaluate] [--fmt] [--groups] [--init] [-l|--list] [--man] [-s|--show] [--summary] [--variables] [-h|--help] [-V|--version] [ARGUMENTS] DESCRIPTION 🤖 Just a command runner - https://github.com/casey/just OPTIONS --alias-style [default: right] Set list command alias display style [possible values: left, right, separate] May also be specified with the JUST_ALIAS_STYLE environment variable. --check Run `--fmt` in 'check' mode. Exits with 0 if justfile is formatted correctly. Exits with 1 and prints a diff if formatting is required. --chooser Override binary invoked by `--choose` May also be specified with the JUST_CHOOSER environment variable. --clear-shell-args Clear shell arguments --color [default: auto] Print colorful output [possible values: auto, always, never] May also be specified with the JUST_COLOR environment variable. --command-color Echo recipe lines in [possible values: black, blue, cyan, green, purple, red, yellow] May also be specified with the JUST_COMMAND_COLOR environment variable. --dotenv-filename Search for environment file named instead of `.env` -E, --dotenv-path Load as environment file instead of searching for one -n, --dry-run Print what just would do without doing it May also be specified with the JUST_DRY_RUN environment variable. --dump-format=FORMAT [default: just] Dump justfile as [possible values: json, just] May also be specified with the JUST_DUMP_FORMAT environment variable. --explain Print recipe doc comment before running it May also be specified with the JUST_EXPLAIN environment variable. -g, --global-justfile Use global justfile --highlight Highlight echoed recipe lines in bold May also be specified with the JUST_HIGHLIGHT environment variable. -f, --justfile Use as justfile May also be specified with the JUST_JUSTFILE environment variable. --list-heading=TEXT [default: Available recipes: ] Print before list May also be specified with the JUST_LIST_HEADING environment variable. --list-prefix=TEXT [default: ] Print before each list item May also be specified with the JUST_LIST_PREFIX environment variable. --list-submodules List recipes in submodules May also be specified with the JUST_LIST_SUBMODULES environment variable. --no-aliases Don't show aliases in list May also be specified with the JUST_NO_ALIASES environment variable. --no-deps Don't run recipe dependencies May also be specified with the JUST_NO_DEPS environment variable. --no-dotenv Don't load `.env` file May also be specified with the JUST_NO_DOTENV environment variable. --no-highlight Don't highlight echoed recipe lines in bold May also be specified with the JUST_NO_HIGHLIGHT environment variable. --one Forbid multiple recipes from being invoked on the command line May also be specified with the JUST_ONE environment variable. -q, --quiet Suppress all output May also be specified with the JUST_QUIET environment variable. --allow-missing Ignore missing recipe and module errors May also be specified with the JUST_ALLOW_MISSING environment variable. --set=VARIABLE VALUE Override with --shell Invoke to run recipes --shell-arg Invoke shell with as an argument --shell-command Invoke with the shell used to run recipe lines and backticks --timestamp Print recipe command timestamps May also be specified with the JUST_TIMESTAMP environment variable. --timestamp-format [default: %H:%M:%S] Timestamp format string May also be specified with the JUST_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT environment variable. -u, --unsorted Return list and summary entries in source order May also be specified with the JUST_UNSORTED environment variable. --unstable Enable unstable features May also be specified with the JUST_UNSTABLE environment variable. -v, --verbose Use verbose output May also be specified with the JUST_VERBOSE environment variable. -d, --working-directory Use as working directory. --justfile must also be set May also be specified with the JUST_WORKING_DIRECTORY environment variable. --yes Automatically confirm all recipes. May also be specified with the JUST_YES environment variable. -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version [ARGUMENTS] Overrides and recipe(s) to run, defaulting to the first recipe in the justfile COMMANDS --changelog Print changelog --choose Select one or more recipes to run using a binary chooser. If `--chooser` is not passed the chooser defaults to the value of $JUST_CHOOSER, falling back to `fzf` -c, --command Run an arbitrary command with the working directory, `.env`, overrides, and exports set --completions=SHELL Print shell completion script for [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, nushell, powershell, zsh] --dump Print justfile -e, --edit Edit justfile with editor given by $VISUAL or $EDITOR, falling back to `vim` --evaluate Evaluate and print all variables. If a variable name is given as an argument, only print that variable's value. --fmt Format and overwrite justfile --groups List recipe groups --init Initialize new justfile in project root -l, --list=PATH List available recipes --man Print man page -s, --show=PATH Show recipe at --summary List names of available recipes --variables List names of variables VERSION v1.39.0 AUTHORS Casey Rodarmor just 1.39.