Notes to Self

Alex Sokolsky's Notes on Computers and Programming

Open Broadcaster

Audio Chain

Recorder Settings

Unfortunately, my only choice is:

OBS Audio Filters

According to the-best-audio-filters-for-obs, order of the filters to use:

Also: BEST OBS Audio Settings (FAQ Series).


libfdk-AAC is better than FFmpeg AAC.

Video Chain

Camera Settings

Sony a7iv….

More: What is S-Cinetone, and How Do You Use It?

OBS Video Filters

For webcam:

For Sony a7iv I use:



The order of preference is unclear and is determined by the PC capabilities:


My steamer GPU, GeForce GT 1030, does NOT support NVENC.


For my streamer/recorder PC with UHD Graphics 730, QuickSync uses GPU for H.264 encoding and CPU for HEVC, hence recommended is QuickSync H.264:

GPU UHD Graphics 730, 750, 770
Rate Control CBR
Target Usage TU1 or TU2
Profile high
Latency normal
B Frames 3


Option Lossless Near Lossless Indistinguishable High Quality Acceptable Quality
Rate Control CRF        
CRF 0 0…4 5…10 11…16 17…22
Keyframe Interval 1        
x264 Options bframes=0 keyint=1 min-keyint=1        
OBS Color Format 4:4:4 4:4:4 or 4:2:2 4:4:4, 4:2:2 or 4:2:0    


Option Value
Preset ultrafast - placebo, a slower preset only affects file size, quality should be unaffected.
Profile High, required for 4:4:4 and 4:2:2 encoding
Tune None, tuning can slightly improve compression efficiency, but often harms it instead.

Screen Capture

