AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) CLI
For all the commands below the region should be set via environment or via cli.
ECR Repo
aws ecr describe-repositories
To create an ecr repo:
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name _name_
Get login and password for using it in docker login:
aws ecr get-login-password
Authenticate your Docker client to the Amazon ECR registry
aws ecr | docker login -u AWS -p <password_from_above_command> _repo_host_/_repo_name_
docker tag:
docker tag 7a8ba25b2d86 _repo_host_/_repo_name_:_tag_
docker push:
docker push _repo_host_/_repo_name_:_tag_
Retag an image
Get the image manifest:
MANIFEST=$(aws ecr batch-get-image --repository-name amazonlinux --image-ids imageTag=latest --output text --query 'images[].imageManifest')
Use the --image-tag
option to put the image manifest to Amazon ECR with a new
aws ecr put-image --repository-name amazonlinux --image-tag 2017.03 --image-manifest "$MANIFEST"
Verify that your new image tag is attached to your image:
aws ecr describe-images --repository-name amazonlinux