AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) CLI
List the Account Buckets
List all the buckets in the current account:
aws s3 ls
Bucket - Create, Delete, Describe, Get Attributes
To create a bucket:
export BUCKET=foo-bar
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket $BUCKET --region us-east-1 \
--acl bucket-owner-full-control
To describe the bucket:
aws macie2 describe-buckets --criteria '{"bucketName":{"eq":["$BUCKET"]}}'
To delete the bucket:
aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket $BUCKET
aws s3api get-bucket-policy --bucket $BUCKET
aws s3api get-bucket-cors --bucket $BUCKET
aws s3api get-bucket-location --bucket $BUCKET
aws s3api get-bucket-versioning --bucket $BUCKET
Bucket Objects
To list the bucket objects in the root:
aws s3 ls s3://$BUCKET/
To upload the object into the bucket:
aws s3 mv delete-me.txt s3://$BUCKET/delete-me.txt
To upload from console:
aws s3 cp - s3://$BUCKET/foo/bar <<EOF
To download the bucket object:
aws s3 cp s3://$BUCKET/foo.tgz /tmp/foo.tgz
To dump the object to stdout:
aws s3 cp s3://$BUCKET/foo/bar -