Shelly Duo Bulb
Shelly Duo, Manual and Spec pdf manual
From the manual:
- Install the Shelly to the light socket. Press the switch/button to which Shelly is connected. The Shelly should turn on.
- Press the switch/button again and Shelly will turn off.
- The bulb should create its own Wi-Fi network with SSID like ShellyBulbDuo-35FA58 for the white model or shellycolorbulb-35FA58 for the colored version.
- In case the bulb creates no WiFi AP, reset the Device.
- To reset the device: If the Device has been powered on, you have to power it off and on again 5 consecutive times. Upon each OFF state, please wait 2-3 seconds 8 When the light starts to flash Shelly should return to AP Mode.
- For Shelly duo RGBW – light will start to flash in red, next time you switched of and on it will light in blue - this mean that the bulb is in AP more.
Allocate a Static DHCP Lease
In your router settings ensure that the DHCP lease is static.