Connecting VISCA Camera
Monoprice camera 39512 with
- VISCA-controlled Pan/Tilt/Zoom
- 1080p
- USB connection to computer
- VISCA serial socket present
Pleasant surprise: the USB3 interface includes a built-in USB->UART chip, so a single USB3 cable can be used for both VISCA control and video streaming.
Installation on Linux
No to braille display:
sudo apt remove brltty
Connect your USB camera - this may result in /dev/ttyUSB* being created! Mine did just that!
Connect USB->serial converter, then check kernel messages for possible errors:
journalctl -b | tail -40
A device should have been created:
ls -la /dev/ttyUSB*
Expose it to all:
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB0