Notes to Self

Alex Sokolsky's Notes on Computers and Programming


etcd listens on port 2379.

Env var ETCDCTL_API determines API version used, defaults to 2.

etcdctl v2

etcdctl set key1 val1

More commands:

etcdctl v3

export ETCDCTL_API=3
etcdctl put key1 val1
etcdctl get key1

More commands:

Take a snapshot

Backing up an etcd cluster

etcdctl snapshot save -h

and keep a note of the mandatory global options.

Since our ETCD database is TLS-Enabled, the following options are mandatory:

Restore from a snapshot

Restoring an etcd cluster

Similarly use the help option for snapshot restore to see all available options for restoring the backup.

etcdctl snapshot restore -h

Pay attention to the command line:


Identifying the etcd Cluster Members

export ETCDCTL_API=3
etcdctl member list \