Notes to Self

Alex Sokolsky's Notes on Computers and Programming

fwupd client tool

fwupdmgr allows an administrator to update firmware:

alex@latitude7490:~/ > fwupdmgr --help
  fwupdmgr [OPTION…]

  activate [DEVICE-ID|GUID]         Activate devices
  block-firmware [CHECKSUM]         Blocks a specific firmware from being installed
  clear-results DEVICE-ID|GUID      Clears the results from the last update
  device-test [FILENAME1] [FILENAME2]
                                    Test a device using a JSON manifest
  disable-remote REMOTE-ID          Disables a given remote
  downgrade [DEVICE-ID|GUID]        Downgrades the firmware on a device
  download LOCATION                 Download a file
  enable-remote REMOTE-ID           Enables a given remote
  get-approved-firmware             Gets the list of approved firmware
  get-blocked-firmware              Gets the list of blocked firmware
  get-details FILE                  Gets details about a firmware file
  get-devices                       Get all devices that support firmware updates
  get-history                       Show history of firmware updates
  get-plugins                       Get all enabled plugins registered with the system
  get-releases [DEVICE-ID|GUID]     Gets the releases for a device
  get-remotes                       Gets the configured remotes
  get-results DEVICE-ID|GUID        Gets the results from the last update
  get-topology                      Alias to get-devices
  get-updates [DEVICE-ID|GUID]      Gets the list of updates for connected hardware
  get-upgrades [DEVICE-ID|GUID]     Alias to get-updates
  install FILE [DEVICE-ID|GUID]     Install a firmware file on this hardware
  modify-config KEY,VALUE           Modifies a daemon configuration value
  modify-remote REMOTE-ID KEY VALUE
                                    Modifies a given remote
                                    Refresh metadata from remote server
  reinstall [DEVICE-ID|GUID]        Reinstall current firmware on the device
  report-history                    Share firmware history with the developers
  security                          Gets the host security attributes
  set-approved-firmware FILENAME|CHECKSUM1[,CHECKSUM2][,CHECKSUM3]
                                    Sets the list of approved firmware
  switch-branch [DEVICE-ID|GUID] [BRANCH]
                                    Switch the firmware branch on the device
  sync-bkc                          Sync firmware versions to the host best known configuration
  unblock-firmware [CHECKSUM]       Unblocks a specific firmware from being installed
  unlock DEVICE-ID|GUID             Unlocks the device for firmware access
  update [DEVICE-ID|GUID]           Updates all specified devices to latest firmware version, or all devices if unspecified
  upgrade [DEVICE-ID|GUID]          Alias to update
  verify [DEVICE-ID|GUID]           Checks cryptographic hash matches firmware
  verify-update [DEVICE-ID|GUID]    Update the stored cryptographic hash with current ROM contents

Help Options:
  -h, --help                Show help options

Application Options:
  -v, --verbose             Show extra debugging information
  --version                 Show client and daemon versions
  --offline                 Schedule installation for next reboot when possible
  --allow-reinstall         Allow reinstalling existing firmware versions
  --allow-older             Allow downgrading firmware versions
  --allow-branch-switch     Allow switching firmware branch
  --force                   Force the action by relaxing some runtime checks
  -y, --assume-yes          Answer yes to all questions
  --sign                    Sign the uploaded data with the client certificate
  --no-unreported-check     Do not check for unreported history
  --no-metadata-check       Do not check for old metadata
  --no-remote-check         Do not check if download remotes should be enabled
  --no-reboot-check         Do not check or prompt for reboot after update
  --no-safety-check         Do not perform device safety checks
  --no-device-prompt        Do not prompt for devices
  --no-history              Do not write to the history database
  --show-all                Show all results
  --disable-ssl-strict      Ignore SSL strict checks when downloading files
  --ipfs                    Only use IPFS when downloading files
  --filter                  Filter with a set of device flags using a ~ prefix to exclude, e.g. 'internal,~needs-reboot'
  --json                    Output in JSON format

This tool allows an administrator to query and control the fwupd daemon, allowing them to perform actions such as installing or downgrading firmware.

Listing the devices

Get the list of hardware that supports firmware updates:

alex@latitude7490:~/ > fwupdmgr get-devices
Latitude 7490
├─System Firmware:
│ │   Device ID:          xxx
│ │   Summary:            UEFI ESRT device
│ │   Current version:    1.24.1
│ │   Minimum Version:    1.24.1
│ │   Vendor:             Dell (DMI:Dell Inc.)
│ │   Update State:       Needs reboot
│ │   Last modified:      2022-11-01 17:24
│ │   GUIDs:              xxx
│ │   Device Flags:       • Internal device
│ │                       • Updatable
│ │                       • System requires external power source
│ │                       • Supported on remote server
│ │                       • Needs a reboot after installation
│ │                       • Cryptographic hash verification is available
│ │                       • Device is usable for the duration of the update
│ │
│ └─UEFI dbx:
│       Device ID:        362301da643102b9f38477387e2193e57abaa590
│       Summary:          UEFI revocation database
│       Current version:  77
│       Minimum Version:  77
│       Vendor:           UEFI:Linux Foundation
│       Install Duration: 1 second
│       Update State:     Needs reboot
│       Last modified:    2022-11-01 17:24
│       GUIDs:            xxxx
│       Device Flags:     • Internal device
│                         • Updatable
│                         • Supported on remote server
│                         • Needs a reboot after installation
│                         • Only version upgrades are allowed
│                         • Signed Payload
├─TPM 2.0:
│     Device ID:          xxxx
│     Summary:            UEFI ESRT device
│     Current version:
│     Vendor:             Dell Inc. (PCI:0x1028)
│     Update State:       Success
│     Update Error:       Updating disabled due to TPM ownership
│     GUIDs:              xxxxx
│     Device Flags:       • Internal device
│                         • System requires external power source
├─Unifying Receiver:
│     Device ID:          xxx
│     Summary:            Miniaturised USB wireless receiver
│     Current version:    RQR12.10_B0032
│     Bootloader Version: BOT01.02_B0015
│     Vendor:             HIDRAW:0x046D|USB:0x046D
│     Install Duration:   30 seconds
│     GUIDs:              xxx
│     Device Flags:       • Updatable
│                         • Supported on remote server
│                         • Unsigned Payload
└─WDC WDS500G2B0C-00PXH0:
      Device ID:          xxx
      Summary:            NVM Express solid state drive
      Current version:    211070WD
      Vendor:             Sandisk Corp (NVME:0x15B7)
      GUIDs:              xxx
      Device Flags:       • Internal device
                          • Updatable
                          • System requires external power source
                          • Needs a reboot after installation
                          • Device is usable for the duration of the update

Listing the upgrades available

List available upgrades:

alex@latitude7490:~/ > fwupdmgr get-upgrades
Devices with no available firmware updates:
 • WDC WDS500G2B0C-00PXH0
Devices with the latest available firmware version:
 • RTS5413 in Dell dock
 • RTS5487 in Dell dock
 • System Firmware
 • UEFI dbx
 • Unifying Receiver
Devices not currently updatable:
 • Package level of Dell dock — Pending activation
 • Thunderbolt controller in Dell dock — Pending activation
 • VMM5331 in Dell dock — Pending activation
 • WD19TB — (null)
No updates available

Upgrade Firmware

Do the update:

alex@latitude7490:~/ > fwupdmgr update
Devices with no available firmware updates:
 • WDC WDS500G2B0C-00PXH0
║ Upgrade Package level of Dell dock from to          ║
║ -Update the firmware package version of Dell docking station's composite     ║
║ devices.                                                                     ║
║                                                                              ║
║ The update will continue when the device USB cable has been unplugged.       ║

Perform operation? [Y|n]: y
║ Reinstall RTS5413 in Dell dock to 01.21?                                     ║
║ -Same as previous release, there is no change for this component.            ║
║                                                                              ║
║ The update will continue when the device USB cable has been unplugged.       ║
║                                                                              ║
║ RTS5413 in Dell dock must remain connected for the duration of the update    ║
║ to avoid damage.                                                             ║

Perform operation? [Y|n]: n
Request canceled
alex@latitude7490:~/ >
alex@latitude7490:~/ > fwupdmgr update
Devices with no available firmware updates:
 • WDC WDS500G2B0C-00PXH0
║ Upgrade Package level of Dell dock from to          ║
║ -Update the firmware package version of Dell docking station's composite     ║
║ devices.                                                                     ║
║                                                                              ║
║ The update will continue when the device USB cable has been unplugged.       ║

Perform operation? [Y|n]: Y
║ Reinstall RTS5413 in Dell dock to 01.21?                                     ║
║ -Same as previous release, there is no change for this component.            ║
║                                                                              ║
║ The update will continue when the device USB cable has been unplugged.       ║
║                                                                              ║
║ RTS5413 in Dell dock must remain connected for the duration of the update    ║
║ to avoid damage.                                                             ║

Perform operation? [Y|n]: Y
║ Reinstall RTS5487 in Dell dock to 01.47?                                     ║
║ -Same as previous release, there is no change for this component.            ║
║                                                                              ║
║ The update will continue when the device USB cable has been unplugged.       ║
║                                                                              ║
║ RTS5487 in Dell dock must remain connected for the duration of the update    ║
║ to avoid damage.                                                             ║

Perform operation? [Y|n]: Y
║ Reinstall Thunderbolt controller in Dell dock to 60.00?                      ║
║ -Same as previous release, there is no change for this component.            ║
║                                                                              ║
║ Thunderbolt controller in Dell dock must remain connected for the duration   ║
║ of the update to avoid damage.                                               ║

Perform operation? [Y|n]: Y
║ Reinstall VMM5331 in Dell dock to 05.06.03?                                  ║
║ -Same as previous release, there is no change for this component.            ║
║                                                                              ║
║ VMM5331 in Dell dock must remain connected for the duration of the update    ║
║ to avoid damage.                                                             ║

Perform operation? [Y|n]: Y
║ Upgrade WD19TB from to                              ║
║ -Improved the display compatibility between systems and monitors.            ║
║                                                                              ║
║ The update will continue when the device USB cable has been unplugged.       ║

Perform operation? [Y|n]: Y
Downloading…             [***************************************]
Downloading…             [***************************************]
Decompressing…           [***************************************]
Decompressing…           [***************************************]
Authenticating…          [***************************************]
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.fwupd.update-hotplug-trusted ===
Authentication is required to update the firmware on a removable device
Authenticating as: Alex Sokolsky,,, (alex)
Authenticating…          [***************************************]
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.fwupd.update-hotplug-trusted ===
Authentication is required to update the firmware on a removable device
Authenticating as: Alex Sokolsky,,, (alex)
Restarting device…       [***************************************]
Writing…                 [***************************************]
Writing…                 [***************************************]
Restarting device…       [***************************************]
Waiting…                 [***************************************]
Successfully installed firmware
Updates will complete next time the dock USB cable is unplugged.  The dock will be unavailable for approximately 1 minute.
Devices with the latest available firmware version:
 • RTS5413 in Dell dock
 • RTS5487 in Dell dock
 • Thunderbolt controller in Dell dock
 • VMM5331 in Dell dock
 • WD19TB
║ Upgrade System Firmware from 1.24.1 to 1.28.0?                               ║
║ Fixed the issue where the monitor takes 20 seconds to turn on when           ║
║ connected to WD19 docking station.                                           ║
║                                                                              ║
║ Do not turn off your computer or remove the AC adapter while the update is   ║
║ in progress.                                                                 ║
║                                                                              ║
║ Latitude 7490 must remain plugged into a power source for the duration of    ║
║ the update to avoid damage.                                                  ║

Perform operation? [Y|n]: Y
Downloading…             [***************************************]
Downloading…             [***************************************]
Decompressing…           [***************************************]
Decompressing…           [***************************************]
Authenticating…          [***************************************]
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.fwupd.update-internal-trusted ===
Authentication is required to update the firmware on this machine
Authenticating as: Alex Sokolsky,,, (alex)
Authenticating…          [***************************************]
Restarting device…       [***************************************]
Writing…                 [***************************************]
Scheduling…              [***************************************]
Decompressing…           [***************************************]
Restarting device…       [***************************************]
Waiting…                 [***************************************]
Successfully installed firmware
Updates will complete next time the dock USB cable is unplugged.  The dock will be unavailable for approximately 1 minute.
║ Upgrade UEFI dbx from 77 to 217?                                             ║
║ This updates the dbx to the latest release from Microsoft which adds         ║
║ insecure versions of grub and shim to the list of forbidden signatures due   ║
║ to multiple discovered security updates.                                     ║
║                                                                              ║
║ Before installing the update, fwupd will check for any affected executables  ║
║ in the ESP and will refuse to update if it finds any boot binaries signed    ║
║ with any of the forbidden signatures.If the installation fails, you will     ║
║ need to update shim and grub packages before the update can be deployed.     ║
║                                                                              ║
║ Once you have installed this dbx update, any DVD or USB installer images     ║
║ signed with the old signatures may not work correctly.You may have to        ║
║ temporarily turn off secure boot when using recovery or installation media,  ║
║ if new images have not been made available by your distribution.             ║
║                                                                              ║
║ UEFI dbx and all connected devices may not be usable while updating.         ║

Perform operation? [Y|n]: Y
Downloading…             [***************************************]
Downloading…             [***************************************]
Decompressing…           [***************************************]
Decompressing…           [***************************************]
Authenticating…          [***************************************]
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.fwupd.update-internal-trusted ===
Authentication is required to update the firmware on this machine
Authenticating as: Alex Sokolsky,,, (alex)
Authenticating…          [***************************************]
Restarting device…       [***************************************]
Writing…                 [***************************************]
Decompressing…           [***************************************]
Writing…                 [***************************************]
Restarting device…       [***************************************]
Waiting…                 [***************************************]
Successfully installed firmware
Updates will complete next time the dock USB cable is unplugged.  The dock will be unavailable for approximately 1 minute.
 • Unifying Receiver

An update requires a reboot to complete. Restart now? [y|N]: