Notes to Self

Alex Sokolsky's Notes on Computers and Programming

Scrum Roles - Q&A

Scrum Intro.

Scrum Guide.

Here are some scrum Q&A.

Scrum Master

Explain at least three ways the scrum master could support the product owner.

List at least three rights of the scrum master

List at least two responsibilities of the scrum master, not directly associated with a scrum event.

Describe at least three responsibilities for the scrum master during sprint planning.

Describe at least three responsibilities for the scrum master during daily scrum.

Describe at least three responsibilities for the scrum master during sprint review.

Describe at least three responsibilities for the scrum master during the retrospective.

Product Owner

Discuss at least two reasons why the product owner is a single person and not a group or a committee.

List at least three rights of the product owner.

List at least two responsibilities of the product owner, not directly associated with a scrum event.

Describe at least three responsibilities for the product owner during sprint planning.

Describe at least three responsibilities for the product owner during daily scrum.

Describe at least three responsibilities for the product owner during sprint review.

Describe at least three responsibilities for the product owner during the retrospective.


List at least five characteristics of the developers (from the 2017 Scrum Guide).

List at least three rights of the developers

List at least two responsibilities of the developers, not directly associated with a scrum event.

Describe at least three responsibilities for the developers during sprint planning.

Describe at least three responsibilities for the developers during daily scrum.

Describe at least three responsibilities for the developers during sprint review.

Describe at least three responsibilities for the developers during the retrospective.

Final Jeopardy

Discuss how and why the product owner maintains authority over the product while working collaboratively with the developers and stakeholders.


The product owner collaborates with the rest of the scrum team and the stakeholder community to gather ideas and input about what the product should be and what to build next. Still, only the product owner may add, remove, edit, or reorder items in the product backlog. Only the product owner may ask the team to do work.


This reduces interruptions and distractions for the developers. By providing clear focus, the product owner enables the developers to develop more value, more rapidly.

Describe three scenarios where the scrum master acts as a leader for the scrum team.

Discuss why scrum does not have a project manager and what happens to traditional project management activities.

The duties of a project manager gets split between the product owner, scrum master, and developers. The product owner makes sure the business is kept up to date about the product, the schedule, and the budget. Along with the developers, they make decisions that manage risk. The scrum master is the process expert, facilitator, and chief impediment remover. The developers make estimates, decide how much work will be brought in to the sprint, and decide who will do the work, and when, during the sprint.