Notes to Self

Alex Sokolsky's Notes on Computers and Programming

ProxMox CLI

ProxMox Update and Upgrade

From System Software Updates:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

Restart web GUI

service pveproxy restart

Physical Volumes

Description Command
List all PVs pvs
Create a PV pvcreate <disk-device-name>
Remove a PV pvremove <disk-device-name>

Volume Groups

Description Command
List vgs
Create a VG vgcreate <vg-name> <disk-device-name>
Remove a VG vgremove <vg-name>

Logical Volumes

Description Command
List lvs
Create lvcreate -L <lv-size> -n <lv-name> <vg-name>
Remove a LV lvremove <vg-name>/<lv-name>

Storage Management

pvesm man page

Description Command
Get status for all datastores pvesm status [OPTIONS]
List storage content pvesm list <storage> [OPTIONS]
Create a new storage pvesm add <type> <storage> [OPTIONS]
Allocate disk images pvesm alloc <storage> <vmid> <filename> <size> [OPTIONS]
Delete volume pvesm free <volume> [OPTIONS]
Delete storage configuration pvesm remove <storage>
An alias for pvesm scan lvm pvesm lvmscan
An alias for pvesm scan lvmthin pvesm lvmthinscan
List local LVM volume groups pvesm scan lvm
List local LVM Thin Pools pvesm scan lvmthin <vg>


qm man page, qmrestore man page

VM Query

Description Command
Show VMs cat /etc/pve/.vmlist
Show VMs qm list
Show VM status qm status <vmid>
Show VMs command line qm showcmd <vmid> [OPTIONS]

VM Manipulation

Description Command
Create or restore a VM qm create <vmid>
Start a VM qm start <vmid>
Suspend virtual machine qm suspend <vmid>
Shutdown a VM qm shutdown <vmid>
Reboot a VM qm reboot <vmid>
Reset a VM qm reset <vmid>
Stop a VM qm stop <vmid>
Destroy the VM and all used/owned volumes, permissions and firewall rules qm destroy <vmid>
If the above fails because the machine is locked qm unlock <vmid>
Enter Qemu Monitor interface qm monitor <vmid>
Get the VM config (both current and pending) qm pending <vmid>
Send key event to virtual machine qm sendkey <vmid> <key> [OPTIONS]
Clone a VM qm clone <vmid> <newid>
Migrate a VM qm migrate <vmid> <target-node>
Clean up resources for a VM qm cleanup <vmid> <clean-shutdown> <guest-requested>
Create a Template qm template <vmid> [OPTIONS]
Set virtual machine options (synchronous) qm set <vmid> [OPTIONS]

VM Disk Manipulation

Description Command
Import a disk image (supported by qemu-img(1)) as an unused disk in a VM qm disk import <vmid> <source> <storage>
Move volume to different storage or to a different VM qm disk move <vmid> <disk> [<storage>] [OPTIONS]
Rescan to update disk sizes and unused disk images qm disk rescan [OPTIONS]
Extend volume size qm disk resize <vmid> <disk> <size> [OPTIONS]
Unlink/delete disk images qm disk unlink <vmid> --idlist <string> [OPTIONS]
rescan volumes qm rescan

VM Snapshot

Description Command
List all snapshots qm listsnapshot <vmid>
Snapshot a VM qm snapshot <vmid> <snapname>
Delete a snapshot qm delsnapshot <vmid> <snapname>
Rollback a snapshot qm rollback <vmid> <snapname>

Guest VM Operations

Description Command
Execute Qemu Guest Agent commands qm guest cmd <vmid> <command>
Executes the given command via the guest agent qm guest exec <vmid> [<extra-args>] [OPTIONS]
Gets the status of the given pid started by the guest-agent qm guest exec-status <vmid> <pid>
Sets the password for the given user to the given password qm guest passwd <vmid> <username> [OPTIONS]

VM CloudInit

Description Command
Get an auto-generated cloudinit config qm cloudinit dump <vmid> <type>
Get the cloudinit config with both current and pending values qm cloudinit pending <vmid>
Regenerate and change cloudinit config drive qm cloudinit update <vmid>

Misc VM Ops

Description Command
Open a terminal using a serial device. The VM need to have a serial device configured, e.g., serial0: socket qm terminal <vmid> [OPTIONS]
Proxy VM VNC traffic to stdin/stdout qm vncproxy <vmid>


pct man page, pveam man page.

Container Templates

Description Command
list all templates pveam available
list all templates pveam list <storage>
Download appliance templates pveam download <storage> <template>
Remove a template pveam remove <template-path>
Update Container Template Database pveam update

Working with container templates:

pveam update
pveam available
pveam download local ubuntu-18.10-standard_18.10-2_amd64.tar.gz

Container Query

Description Command
List containers pct list
Show CT status pct status <vmid> [OPTIONS]
Get container config pct config <vmid> [OPTIONS]
Print the list of assigned CPU sets pct cpusets
Get the container config, including pending changes pct pending <vmid>

Container Manipulation

Description Command
Create or restore a container pct create <vmid> <ostemplate> [OPTIONS]
Start the container pct start <vmid> [OPTIONS]
Create a container clone/copy pct clone <vmid> <newid> [OPTIONS]
Suspend the container (experimental) pct suspend <vmid>
Resume the container pct resume <vmid>
Stop the container pct stop <vmid>
Stop all the processes in the container pct stop <vmid> [OPTIONS]
Clean shutdown of the container, see lxc-stop(1) pct shutdown <vmid> [OPTIONS]
Destroy the container pct destroy <vmid> [OPTIONS]
Migrate the container to another node. Creates a new migration task. pct migrate <vmid> <target> [OPTIONS]
Reboot the container, apply the pending changes pct reboot <vmid> [OPTIONS]
Create or restore a container pct restore <vmid> <ostemplate> [OPTIONS]
Set container options pct set <vmid> [OPTIONS]
Create a Template pct template <vmid>
Unlock the container pct unlock <vmid>
Enter into a container (without password) pct enter <vmid>

Container Disk Manipulation

Description Command
Get the current disk usage pct df <vmid>
Run a fsck on a container volume pct fsck <vmid> [OPTIONS]
Run fstrim on a chosen CT and its mountpoints pct fstrim <vmid> [OPTIONS]
Mount the container’s filesystem on the host. This will hold a lock on the container. For emergency only - prevents further ops other than start and stop. pct mount <vmid>
Move a rootfs-/mp-volume to a different storage or to a different container. pct move-volume <vmid> <volume> [<storage>] [<target-vmid>] [<target-volume>] [OPTIONS]
Unmount the container’s filesystem pct unmount <vmid>
Resize a container mount point pct resize <vmid> <disk> <size> [OPTIONS]
Rescan to update disk sizes and unused disk images pct rescan [OPTIONS]
Connect to container pct enter <vmid>

Container Examples

Launch a console for the specified container.

pct console <vmid> [OPTIONS]

Launch a shell for the specified container.

pct enter <vmid>

Launch a command inside the specified container.

pct exec <vmid> [<extra-args>]

Copy a file from the container to the local system.

pct pull <vmid> <path> <destination> [OPTIONS]

Copy a local file to the container.

pct push <vmid> <file> <destination> [OPTIONS]

Snapshot a container.

pct snapshot <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

List all the container snapshots.

pct listsnapshot <vmid>

Rollback LXC state to specified snapshot.

pct rollback <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

Delete a LXC snapshot.

pct delsnapshot <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

Cluster Management

Cluster Manager

pvecm man page

More Useful CLI tools

These were installed on mine: