Notes to Self

Alex Sokolsky's Notes on Computers and Programming

CentOS7 on ProxMox

Intent: create a VM with CentOS7 on a ProxMox appliance.

Get CentOS7 Distribution

Need to have CentOS7 ISO in storage local in ProxMox.

I downloaded to my laptop CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-2003.iso and then uploaded it to ProxMox storage local.

Create a VM with CentOS7

Now you should be able to select the uploaded ISO when creating the VM.

I pretty much used the defaults. Except set cores to 2.

OS Installation

Start the VM. Do install. Reboot.

Setup network: how-to-setup-network-after-rhelcentos-7-minimal-installation

OS Customization

As described in other files in this repository.