Notes to Self

Alex Sokolsky's Notes on Computers and Programming

Blog Posts

2025-03-08 HTML Debugging Workflow for GitHub Pages

The original The Intellectuals and Socialism, by F.A. Hayek.

2024-11-29 HTML Debugging Workflow for GitHub Pages

  • Point you browser to the (github pages) page to debug.
  • In firefox select File Save As…, pick the name, press Save. This will save the HTML and its dependencies into the local directory.
  • Start serving the pages saved using the python web server: ``` alex@exi | ~/tt > python3 -m http.server -h usage: [-h] [–cgi] [-b ADDRESS] [-d DIRECTORY] [-p VERSION] [port]
  • </ol>

    2024-11-24 Font Awesome

    Pretty amazing!

    2024-10-16 Reflections on Palantir

    A totally awesome write-up by Nabeel S. Qureshi:

    2024-10-01 The End of HTPC Era

    I have been using HTPCs for about 20 years now. The promis of a “bit-perfect” audio made the decision to repurpose a Window PC for home theater a no-brainer. It even worked for a while. I used Windows, then Media Center with its Remote, then varios flavors of Linux. Most of the time with a standard desktop GUI. For media player I used mpc-hc and then vlc. MPC was a pretty amaizing example of using Windows Media filters and COM programming, RIP.

    2024-08-01 Home Office Setup Updates


    2024-06-13 Useful Sites

    Random Data Generation

    Usage scenario: expose custom (non-AWS) services provided in one VPC to consumers in another VPC.

    2024-05-04 ALB behind an NLB Gotchas

    An application load balancer (ALB) is deployed in Amazon Web Services (AWS) behind a network load balancer (NLB). In turn, behind the ALB are few pods of a kubernetes cluster:

    2023-07-31 DevOps (not only) exercises

    2023-07-24 ChatGPT-like chatbot

    ChatGPT-like chatbot:

    2022-07-12 AWS Landing Zone

    Landing Zones - Creating a Foundation for Your AWS Migrations by John Hyland

    2022-02-16 Markdown with Mermaid

    Mermaid is now on github!

    2022-01-13 Start Here and Now

    Why not?

    2022-01-01 Eric Weinstein’s Russian Piano Tuner Story

    Video Story

    2021-01-01 Home Office Setup

    After few iterations I arrived at a set-up which works well for me.

    2018-06-06 Making Some pfSense

    Not that I really need it, but an idea of getting rid the household of ads was compelling enough. So I got myself a little “industrial PC”, added a stick of RAM and mSATA SSD from an old laptop and installed pfSense in no time!

    2018-06-04 Big NAS Reshuffle

    Those attempts to run VirtualBox on nas4free were a real nice try. But now I want to have a dedicated VM server. So I decided… to build a new NAS box. In its previous life NASA (as it will be called) used to be my HTPC. In this new incarnation it will get a better Ethernet and SATA adapter. New NASA box will be:

    2013-03-04 Theater a.k.a. Taganka

    Entrance exams to Fizteh were scheduled for July, well ahead of most other institutions in Russia, so that those who fail still had a chance at other schools. That year it also coincided with Moscow Olympic Games. Therefore the city was cleared of most domestic tourists. I was offered a cot in a gym for a nominal price. I was applying with my friend (Yuri Semenov) who was trying to enter Fizteh for the second time and knew his way around the campus. Sergey Ostashko, my former teacher of physics, Fizteh dropout and a friend flew in to support me.

    2012-10-29 State of My Home LAN

    Things settled here. NAS4free proved to be fabulous. Stable. With regular updates steadily improving on visible cosmetics which gives me confidence in behind the scene work. Very convenient for use. Therefore it is not surprising that I ran out space on the main pool I use to store video files. I also need to add new storage to NAS and migrate photos and Lightroom catalog there. My NAS box found its permanent place on a network shelf in the laundry room. I love the case and the 3- and 4-drive racks are very convenient. And, yes, they look just cool.

    2012-04-11 Hardware, New Iteration

    Here is my new NAS box:

    2012-04-01 Sanity Checks

    Nas4free seems to be most suited to my requirements, but samba there just crashes on me. In the meantime I am collecting network and hard drives throughput data on Windows.

    2012-03-31 NAS4Free 9

    Install of NAS4Free on to a flash stuck in PATA was uneventful. But unlike Solaris, OpenIndiana and FreeNAS the web GUI showed me exactly what I wanted to know - real time status of NAS appliance: CPU frequency and load, SMART status of hard drives.

    2012-03-26 NAS Hardware

    Here is an old desktop, once built for my parents to surf internet and look at their grandchildren pictures.

    2012-03-26 Rationale

    At home the (only) “desktop” I use is an HTPC. Noisy at that, because of the need to keep and cool large storage for media playback and editing. I wonder whether something could be done. Main requirements are performance, ease of use, reliability and ease of growth. Copying between internal SATA HDs is being done at about 70-100MB/s. This sets performance goal.

    1985-01-01 Джаз плюс джаз

    Концерты в олимпийкой деревне ‘Джаз плюс Джаз’, 1981-1987.

    1983-01-01 8K84

    Изделие 8K84 a.k.a SS-11.

    More details on Jekyll posts